Although potent tighten abdominal crunches movement because it triggers often complained of back pain. This movement is not recommended for beginners, as it takes great strength of muscle to avoid injury to the spine. There are many variations of movement that is comfortable, yet no less potent flatten the stomach, for example crounch, namely his feet and shoulders together in a lying position.
2. Minimal power but maximum combustion
Many people think the more the energy released is greater calorie burning and reckless jogging for hours until struggling. Not completely wrong, but trying to do strenuous exercise with maximum strength for a few minutes. Research shows the effect is the same as resistance training for hours.
3. Take advantage of good fats
Reduce portions of fatty foods is necessary when you want to lose weight. But some fats are still needed, such as omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oil. Even the brown fat or brown fat can actually help increase fat burning bad makes fat.
4. Enjoy the process
When someone starts fixated on a target, sometimes disappointing results in the short term could undermine the spirit because of his efforts seem futile. Likewise, when diet and exercise, if you do not enjoy the process will quickly get bored. Conversely if you can feel the benefits of diet and exercise, although weight does not go down the heart will still be happy and as a bonus is not easy illness.
5. No need to starve
One mistake to avoid when dieting is breakfast, with a view to reducing calorie intake. Besides being effective, this method will only be torturing yourself because the body will lack energy supplies until it was time for lunch. All you need do is actually a diet, not merely reducing it alone.
5 Tips Thin Body Without Torturing
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